Co-Matching Business Matchmaking Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Haptic R&D Consulting to Participate in Co-Matching Business Matchmaking Event “Your Gate to Global Opportunities” Aricestii Rahtivani, Romania — August 12, 2024 — Haptic R&D Consulting, a leading technology and innovation firm, is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming Co-Matching Business Matchmaking Event. Organized by ABİGEM East Marmara in collaboration Read more about Co-Matching Business Matchmaking Event[…]

Matchmaking Event on Horizon Europe upcoming calls – Climate, Energy and Mobility

Haptic R&D Consulting announces its active participation in the upcoming Matchmaking Event on Horizon Europe calls for Climate, Energy, and Mobility, to be held on April 25-26, 2024, in France. The event, focusing on Horizon Europe’s destinations 2, 3, and 6, aims to facilitate collaboration and innovation in addressing pressing challenges related to climate change, Read more about Matchmaking Event on Horizon Europe upcoming calls – Climate, Energy and Mobility[…]

Uncharted Horizons: Exploring Unconventional Technologies Shaping Tomorrow’s Innovations

In the fast-evolving landscape of technology, there exists a realm of unconventional and lesser-discussed innovations that promise to redefine industries, create new opportunities, and push the boundaries of human capability. While some of these technologies are in nascent stages or purely speculative, their potential to disrupt and revolutionize cannot be overlooked. Acoustic Levitation: Sound Waves Read more about Uncharted Horizons: Exploring Unconventional Technologies Shaping Tomorrow’s Innovations[…]

Innovate, Collaborate, Grow: A Look at the Momentum Building at GMC 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [Aricestii Rahtivani, October 23, 2023] – Haptic R&D Consulting is thrilled to announce its active participation in the Global Mobility Call 2023 (GMC 2023), an esteemed event uniting industry, science, and technology professionals with the goal of forging strategic partnerships for sustainable and innovative mobility solutions. Hosted under the theme “Networking for Read more about Innovate, Collaborate, Grow: A Look at the Momentum Building at GMC 2023[…]

Driving Innovation and Sustainability: Exploring the Future of Recycling, Energy, and Construction

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a haptic journey into the exciting world of recycling, energy, and construction. Join us as we delve into captivating topics that shape a more sustainable future. Let’s dive into the inspiring insights from renowned industry leaders and explore the innovative pathways ahead! 🚀💡 Circular Economy in Electronic Read more about Driving Innovation and Sustainability: Exploring the Future of Recycling, Energy, and Construction[…]

EU progress towards an internal electricity market is slow

Despite ambitious projections and a certain amount of effort, the EU has made slow progress towards its objective of connecting electricity markets to ensure access to cheap power for citizens and businesses, according to a report by the European Court of Auditors. Delays in coupling national power markets have piled up because of weaknesses in Read more about EU progress towards an internal electricity market is slow[…]

Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects

Haptic R&D Consulting SRL will participate at Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects Presentation of ideas and competences for project proposals, inspiring sessions and panels, and targeted 1:1 meetings for creating consortia. Are you interested in Horizon Europe Cluster 5: CLIMATE, ENERGY, MOBILITY calls? are you building a consortium to present a Read more about Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects[…]

Commercial UAV Expo Americas 2021

Commercial UAV Expo Americas is North America’s leading trade show and conference focusing on the integration and operation of commercial UAS with more exhibitors than any other commercial drone event. Industries covered include Construction: Drone Delivery; Energy & Utilities; Forestry & Agriculture; Infrastructure & Transportation; Mining & Aggregates; Public Safety & Emergency Services; Security and Read more about Commercial UAV Expo Americas 2021[…]

How much energy societies actually need to satisfy everyone’s most basic needs

Two fundamental goals of humanity are to eradicate poverty and reduce climate change, and it is critical that the world knows whether achieving these goals will involve trade-offs. New IIASA research for the first time provides a basis to answer this question, including the tools needed to relate basic needs directly to resource use. Researchers Read more about How much energy societies actually need to satisfy everyone’s most basic needs[…]

€385 million support for production of electricity from renewable sources in Lithuania

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources in Lithuania. The measure, open to all types of renewable generation, will contribute to the EU environmental objectives without unduly distorting competition. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “The scheme will contribute to Read more about €385 million support for production of electricity from renewable sources in Lithuania[…]

Energy Union – the year of engagement

The Third Report on the State of the Energy Union shows that Europe’s transition to a low-carbon society is becoming the new reality on EU’s ground. Thanks to progress in 2017, the EU is on track to implement the Energy Union project and deliver jobs, growth and investments. Enabling actions are being put in place to support Read more about Energy Union – the year of engagement[…]