Press News Release

In the digital age, press releases help to distribute the desired message online when launching a project, product or service. Press releases contribute to a faster and wider dissemination, because both journalists (who can take the message as a news topic) and companies or simple users have access to them.

In the online environment, press releases not only help to communicate the message, but also to search engine optimization (SEO) reaching the target audience.



Why the portal

Because it is a business tech information website dedicated to entrepreneurs but also to researchers and innovators from various technological industries. Click here for the latest news.

Scientific reports, market research and statistics issued by research institutions and organizations. Click here for more information.

Information on the call for non-reimbursable financing. Click here for more information.

Due to media partnerships with organizers of international events and exhibitions. Info here.

For a personalized price offer, please contact us using the Contact form.

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I authorize HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL to provide me with information relating to the development of its products, services and technologies.

Additional information

Comunicatul de informare

Informaţii în legătură cu diverse evenimente ale companiei pentru a informa colaboratorii.

Comunicatul de anuntare

Un comunicat de informare precedat de timpul de difuzare al acestuia pentru diverse evenimente ce urmeaza a avea loc prin expedierea de invitatii la eveniment, având rolul de a atrage atenţia asupra evenimentului şi de a obţine acoperire media.