EU to invest record €7 billion into transport infrastructure

The Commission has selected 134 transport projects to receive over €7 billion in EU grants from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU’s instrument for strategic investment in infrastructure. This represents the largest call under the current CEF Transport programme. Around 83% of the funding will support projects that deliver on the EU’s climate objectives, improving and modernising the EU network of railways, Read more about EU to invest record €7 billion into transport infrastructure[…]

Why do we need a Data Act

Currently, the full value of data in the European economy is not being reaped due to a number of factors. Key issues include the lack of clarity regarding who can use and access data generated by connected products, the fact that SMEs are frequently not in a position to negotiate balanced data-sharing agreements with stronger market players, barriers to switching between competitive and trustworthy Read more about Why do we need a Data Act[…]

EU invests €6.2 billion in sustainable, safe and efficient transport infrastructure

The Commission has selected 107 transport infrastructure projects to receive over €6 billion in EU grants from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU’s instrument for strategic investment in transport infrastructure. Over 80% of the funding will support projects that deliver a more efficient, greener, and smarter network of railways, inland waterways and maritime routes along the trans-European transport (TEN-T) network. Read more about EU invests €6.2 billion in sustainable, safe and efficient transport infrastructure[…]

Digital Europe Programme €1.98 billion funding

The Commission has adopted three work programmes for the Digital Europe Programme, outlining the objectives and specific topic areas that will receive a total of €1.98 billion in funding. This first set of work programmes includes strategic investments that will be instrumental in realising the Commission’s goals in making this Europe’s Digital Decade. The Digital Europe Programme aims to Read more about Digital Europe Programme €1.98 billion funding[…]

EU must accelerate the deployment of charging infrastructure to promote breakthrough in electro-mobility

The EU is still a long way from reaching its Green Deal target of 1 million charging points by 2025, and it lacks an overall strategic roadmap for electro-mobility, according to a new report by the European Court of Auditors (ECA). Despite successes such as in promoting a common EU plug standard for charging electric Read more about EU must accelerate the deployment of charging infrastructure to promote breakthrough in electro-mobility[…]

€7.5 billion for Digital Europe Programme

The European Commission has welcomed the political agreement between the European Parliament and the EU Member States on the first EU programme that aims to accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe. Trilogue negotiations have now concluded, pending the final approval of the legal texts by the European Parliament and the Council. Read more about €7.5 billion for Digital Europe Programme[…]

Investing in new energy infrastructure

EU Member States agreed yesterday on a Commission proposal to invest €998 million in key European energy infrastructure projects under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Yesterday’s positive vote provides financial aid for works and studies for ten projects. The largest amount of funding goes to the Baltic Synchronisation Project (€720 million), to better integrate the electricity markets of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Read more about Investing in new energy infrastructure[…]

EU invests over €2 billion in 140 key transport projects

The EU is supporting the economic recovery in all Member States by injecting almost €2.2 billion into 140 key transport projects. These projects will help build missing transport links across the continent, support sustainable transport and create jobs. The projects will receive funding through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU’s grant scheme supporting transport infrastructure. Read more about EU invests over €2 billion in 140 key transport projects[…]

New Projects of Common Interest (PCI) for a connected European energy grid

European Commission adopted the fourth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) for a connected European energy grid, fit for the future providing clean, affordable and secure energy for Europeans. This list reflects the importance of infrastructure for the Energy Union and represents a balance among its objectives: sustainability, affordability and security of supply. Vice Read more about New Projects of Common Interest (PCI) for a connected European energy grid[…]

€500 million EU funding available for cross-border energy infrastructure

Following the adoption of the 2018 CEF Energy Work Programme in March 2018, the second call for energy proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for 2018 has opened today. The European Commission will release €500 million of funding for energy infrastructure projects that plan to strengthen the EU’s internal energy market, enhance security of energy supply, Read more about €500 million EU funding available for cross-border energy infrastructure[…]

EU invests €1 billion in transport network development

The European Commission is proposing to invest €1 billion in 39 transport projects which will unlock a total of €4.5 billion of public and private co-financing. This investment is being made under the Connecting Europe Facility, the EU fund supporting infrastructure networks, and combines – for the first time – EU grants with financing from the European Investment Read more about EU invests €1 billion in transport network development[…]

EU invests €1 billion in transport network development

The European Commission proposing to invest €1 billion in 39 transport projects, with a view to upgrade Europe’s rail network, further develop alternative fuels infrastructure and pave the way for zero emission water transport. In doing so, the Commission is firmly delivering on its clean mobility package from 8 November. Selected projects include the upgrade of the Divača-Koper Read more about EU invests €1 billion in transport network development[…]