Call for proposals under the European Urban Initiative

To further reinforce and strengthen sustainable urban development in EU cities, the Commission today is launching a third call for proposals worth €90 million under the European Urban Initiative (EUI). Projects selected under this call will test innovative solutions in cities to help them to deliver on the green and digital transitions. Projects must focus on one of the following two Read more about Call for proposals under the European Urban Initiative[…]

What is asbestos and why do we need to be protected from it?

Asbestos is a highly dangerous substance which can cause cancer and other illnesses. Environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos is known to contribute to the high burden of cancer, causing many avoidable deaths. 78% of cancers recognised as occupational cancer in the EU are related to asbestos. In 2019 alone, more than 70,000 workers died from Read more about What is asbestos and why do we need to be protected from it?[…]

EU Cohesion Policy: €31.5 billion for Romania

Romania will receive a total of €31.5 billion from Cohesion Policy in 2021-2027 in the framework of its Partnership Agreement with the Commission to promote the economic, social and territorial cohesion of its regions and its green and digital transition. The EU funds will also support the development of a competitive, innovative and export-oriented Romanian economy. Increasing Read more about EU Cohesion Policy: €31.5 billion for Romania[…]

innovation audit

Small companies’ competitiveness barely improved by EU support

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are key to the EU’s economy. But they have not really benefited from EU action aimed at enhancing their competitiveness. That is the conclusion reached by the European Court of Auditors in a special report published today. EU funds stimulated SMEs’ willingness to invest, but their impact and effectiveness on Read more about Small companies’ competitiveness barely improved by EU support[…]

Financial instruments in EU cohesion policy: checks at closure showing results

More than 1.000 financial instruments were used across the Member States for the 2007-2013 EU cohesion policy. A new special report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) shows that the necessary steps have been taken to verify the eligibility of expenditure at closure. Checks have yielded tangible results, although some errors – Read more about Financial instruments in EU cohesion policy: checks at closure showing results[…]

EU support for regions to work together in innovative pilot projects

The Commission has announced the winners of a new EU-funded initiative for interregional partnerships in four areas: coronavirus-related innovative solutions, circular economy in health, sustainable and digital tourism, and hydrogen technologies in carbon–intensive regions. The aim of this new pilot action, which builds on the successful experience of a similar action on “interregional innovation projects” launched at the end of 2017, is Read more about EU support for regions to work together in innovative pilot projects[…]