€100 million fund to support clean energy investments

Breakthrough Energy Ventures Europe (BEV-E), a new €100 million investment fund was established by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and Breakthrough Energy Ventures during the Fourth Mission Innovation Ministerial meeting in Vancouver, Canada.           The fund will help develop innovative European companies and bring radically new clean energy technologies to the market. It will Read more about €100 million fund to support clean energy investments[…]

80-95% less emission from the buildings by 2050

Member states will be obliged to develop long-term strategies to ensure that buildings in the EU hardly use any energy by 2050. The Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) and is part of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package presented in November 2016, and the first one to reach a provisional agreement. Long-term Read more about 80-95% less emission from the buildings by 2050[…]

New electric road offers flexible charging

In recent years, electric roads have emerged as potential alternatives to the heavy and expensive batteries currently needed in electric road vehicles. Now researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed an even smarter technology – that doesn’t require digging up stretches of road to install the system. Instead, a small conductive rail is laid Read more about New electric road offers flexible charging[…]

The Partnership Instrument approving 19 new projects totalling more than €87 million

The European Commission has adopted the Annual Action Programme 2017 (AAP 2017) of the Partnership Instrument, approving 19 new projects totalling more than €87 million. These projects will increase the impact of the European Union and help to achieve our objectives across a number of policy areas, in particular in climate action and clean energy, Read more about The Partnership Instrument approving 19 new projects totalling more than €87 million[…]