
Internetul lucrurilor

Un concept care definește o lume în care toate obiectele (mașini, electrocasnice, sisteme de iluminat, dispozitive mobile, portabile, etc) sunt conectate între ele cu ajutorul internetului.


(English) How to check if people paying attention in online meetings

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(English) Photonic neuromorphic computing to process data in a fast and energy efficient way

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(English) A new state-of-the-art lens opens a path to a new type of virtual reality platform

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(English) VR/AR systems more realistic and sensitive to user actions

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(English) Immersive virtual reality is useful against implicit racial bias

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(English) Virtual Reality can predict human stress vulnerability

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(English) Artificial Intelligence coach to improve customer service skills

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(English) New ways to boost trust in artificial intelligence

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(English) Online education pave the way for AI-teachers

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(English) New metaphotonic OLED displays for future Virtual Reality and Augmentation Reality

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(English) A new haptic device which recreates the sense of touch

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(English) Wide personality traits and attributes such as extraversion and IQ were predicted by Social Media information

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super-fast internet

(English) New tool for internet searching

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(English) Virtual communities is based on trust information

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(English) Quantum secret sharing

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