A Versatile NFC Card Emulator

ChameleonMini RevG. is a freely programmable, standalone tool for NFC security analysis, amongst others to emulate & clone contactless cards (ISO14443/15693/NFC), read RFID tags and log/sniff RF data. The cost-efficient device is highly suitable for NFC/RFID/Wireless security lab courses as well as implementations of own (cryptographic) schemes, e.g., lightweight or post-quantum RFIDs. Further it can be used, e.g., for renting bicycles, opening doors, and paying (see videos on the Kickstarter website).


A couple of years ago, the ChameleonMini Rev.E has been released as an open-source hardware project on github and meanwhile became a widespread, easy-to-use NFC tool: https://github.com/emsec/ChameleonMini/wiki

The Kickstarter project will make an improved Rev.G Hardware (and Firmware) for the device publicly available at a low cost and we hope to find even more supporters (especially at the universities and hacker spaces) to realize the development and a big production run.

The project is still running until February 26, and this is probably the cheapest way ever to get hold of your own Chameleon(s), www.kasper-oswald.de/kickstarter.