Call for proposals under the European Urban Initiative

To further reinforce and strengthen sustainable urban development in EU cities, the Commission today is launching a third call for proposals worth €90 million under the European Urban Initiative (EUI). Projects selected under this call will test innovative solutions in cities to help them to deliver on the green and digital transitions. Projects must focus on one of the following two Read more about Call for proposals under the European Urban Initiative[…]

20 urban projects with €82 million for innovative security, digital, environmental and inclusion projects

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will finance 20 urban projects with €82 million. These projects were put forward by cities under the 4th call for proposals of the Urban Innovative Actions which is implemented by French region Hauts-de-France. In particular, Piraeus (Greece), Tampere (Finland) and Turin (Italy) will receive grants for projects that will protect and reduce the Read more about 20 urban projects with €82 million for innovative security, digital, environmental and inclusion projects[…]