(Română) Trimestrul al Treilea Vine Cu Oportunitati de Finantare Nerambursabila: 150 Apeluri pentru Programele de Coeziune

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Autoritățile de management pentru programele aferente politicii de coeziune au planificat lansarea, în trimestrul al treilea al acestui an, a 150 de Read more about (Română) Trimestrul al Treilea Vine Cu Oportunitati de Finantare Nerambursabila: 150 Apeluri pentru Programele de Coeziune[…]

The Role of Haptic Technologies in Improving the Work Experience of Workers in Various Industries

International Workers’ Day 🌍👷‍♂️👷‍♀️ is an important occasion to celebrate and reflect on the significant contributions of workers around the world. This event is celebrated every year on May 1st and represents a moment when the efforts and sacrifices made by workers to create a better and more prosperous world are recognized. In this context, Read more about The Role of Haptic Technologies in Improving the Work Experience of Workers in Various Industries[…]

Blockchain technology – a modern solution for legal and notary firms

The blockchain technology was initially developed as an essential element of cryptocurrencies, but it has quickly expanded to other domains, including the legal and notarial field. In this blog post, we will explore how blockchain can be used within legal and notarial firms, as well as the benefits it brings to their clients. Blockchain is Read more about Blockchain technology – a modern solution for legal and notary firms[…]

(Română) A fost adoptata Strategia de Specializare Inteligenta a regiunii Sud Muntenia 2021 – 2027

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Joi, 3 iunie 2021, Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională Sud Muntenia a organizat online, prin intermediul aplicației Zoom, ședința Consorțiului Regional de Inovare Read more about (Română) A fost adoptata Strategia de Specializare Inteligenta a regiunii Sud Muntenia 2021 – 2027[…]