Managers are caught in a potential bind – they face the hype and excitement of new technology

Managers face a confusing storm of new technology hype but the key to navigating through the endless promises made for technologies such as drones, blockchain or artificial intelligence is to focus on real uses for the innovations, new research from the UK’s University of Bath and Swiss university ETH Zurich shows. A five-year study of industrial drone technology adoption showed Read more about Managers are caught in a potential bind – they face the hype and excitement of new technology[…]

How an autonomously robot assembles a chair

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) scientists have developed a robot that can autonomously assemble an IKEA chair without interruption. Designed by Assistant Professor Pham Quang Cuong and his team from NTU’s School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the robot comprises a 3D camera and two robotic arms equipped with grippers to pick up objects. The team coded Read more about How an autonomously robot assembles a chair[…]