Shining a Light on Research Proposals: Balancing Expertise and Innovation

In the exhilarating world of research and development, securing those coveted grants can often feel like a daunting labyrinth. One of the most significant challenges? Striking the perfect balance between showcasing your expertise and underlining the future market impact of your innovation. It’s a delicate dance, indeed, but fret not, for we’re about to embark Read more about Shining a Light on Research Proposals: Balancing Expertise and Innovation[…]

Entrepreneurs’ Decreased Interest in Grants Calls: A Closer Look

In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend of entrepreneurs showing decreased interest in grants calls and funding opportunities. This shift in attitude has raised questions and sparked discussions in the entrepreneurial community. As we delve into this topic, let’s explore some key factors that could be contributing to this phenomenon. 1. Time-Consuming Application Read more about Entrepreneurs’ Decreased Interest in Grants Calls: A Closer Look[…]

When pitching to investors for funding

A new study offers entrepreneurs some savvy sales advice: when pitching to investors for funding, a high-octane product pitch with great enthusiasm can be a double-edged sword. The study reveals a negative side to over-the-top product pitches. That is, exhibiting a high level of enthusiasm through energetic body movements and animated facial expressions can make Read more about When pitching to investors for funding[…]