H2020 Call – Materials for non-battery based energy storage

Specific Challenge:

Sustainable energy production can only work well when the specific different energy storage challenges are solved. So, solar panels and wind generators do not deliver energy when no sun is shining or no wind is blowing. Batteries may not be the best solution to face all energy storage needs, due to cost, safety and environmental issues. Other technologies have to be developed that can respond to these needs, and their readiness for market deployment has to be shown. Specific materials for these technologies have to be developed. Price competitiveness and environmental aspects have to be considered, as well as economic viability.


Non battery-based storage technologies, such as Power to Gas, Power to chemicals and power to liquids (based e.g. on ethanol, methanol or ammoniac), or compressed air energy storage CAES, can be suitable solutions for different energy storage needs.

These new technologies will need new or considerably improved materials, with increased performance and reduced total costs with respect to currently used ones. Cost reductions may result e.g. from new materials, in combination with new design/architecture (when applicable or suitable) or reduced service and maintenance needs.

With respect to power to gas and power to fuels or chemicals, innovation will result for instance from the improvement of electrolysers. Advanced materials solutions may be high-capacity, durable proton exchange membranes and solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) electrolysers for hydrogen production; or cost efficient materials for tanks for hydrogen storage.

Most technologies are still in an experimental phase and have to be prepared for industrial deployment. Price competitiveness and environmental aspects have to be analysed.

The materials should show its economic viability, also considering the cost related to the necessary overall infrastructure.

Special attention should be given to sustainable materials, the circular economy and eventual second life applications, and to materials that are easily available in Europe, in order to avoid market dependence e.g. of critical raw materials. Recycling should be inherently possible on large scale, permitting overall costs that will not hamper market acceptance.

Materials for thermal storage and storage for hydropower are excluded from this call, as well as the development of fuel cells and supercapacitors.

Activities should start at TRL 3 and achieve TRL 5 at the end of the project.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 and 6 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact:

The performance levels of the proposed solution(s) should be in line with those specified in the relevant parts of the SET-Plan.

  • Improving technical and economic competitiveness of EU stationary storage production suitable to store large amount of energy;
  • By enabling low-carbon energy production, help to reach climate goals and CO2 reduction levels as per international agreements as EU 2020 and 2050 targets and COP21; improving indirectly health of EU society;
  • Significant improvements in the levelised costs of energy while maintaining or improving other properties of the storage solution.

Relevant indicators and metrics, with baseline values, should be clearly stated in the proposal.

Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action
Planned opening date:
16 October 2018
2nd stage Deadline:
22 January 2019
03 September 2019

Source: HORIZON 2020 – The European Commission