HAPTIC Holography seen as the Future of Touch in Metaverse

HAPTIC Holography npromises to bring virtual reality to life, but a new study reveals a surprising physical obstacle that will need to be overcome. A research team at UC Santa Barbara has discovered a new phenomenon that underlies emerging holographic haptic displays, and could lead to the creation of more compelling virtual reality experiences. The Read more about HAPTIC Holography seen as the Future of Touch in Metaverse[…]

Fundamental relationship that humans have with energy

Among our closest living relatives — the great apes — we humans are unique: We have larger brains, reproduce more quickly and have longer life spans. These traits are obviously valuable, but the extra energy required to sustain them is quite significant. So how did we manage to afford them? A group of anthropologists from Read more about Fundamental relationship that humans have with energy[…]

Do you invest in your relationship with an eye on the cost-benefits analysis

In your quest for true love and that elusive happily ever after, are you waiting for the “right” person to come along, or do you find yourself going for the cutest guy or girl in the room, hoping things will work out? Do you leave your options open, hoping to “trade-up” at the next opportunity, Read more about Do you invest in your relationship with an eye on the cost-benefits analysis[…]