The switch can improve company competitiveness

The Earth is populated by an increasing number of  people who demand more and more products, which is simply not viable in the long run. Our planet does not have unlimited resources. Emissions are harming the environment in various ways. More companies thus need to switch to more sustainable production, sometimes due to pressure from Read more about The switch can improve company competitiveness[…]

Pros and Cons Working at Home

It may seem a bit contradictory at first glance, but increased flexibility in our workday may have given us less flexibility in the work itself. The daily press and the nascent research literature on COVID-19 speculate on the long-term consequences of the coronavirus situation. These could change the way we think about the methods we Read more about Pros and Cons Working at Home[…]

Bio-based and biodegradable plastic are not any safer than other plastics

Conventional plastic is made from oil. The production of plastic is not sustainable, and it can contain substances we know are dangerous if ingested. In recent years, bioplastics have come onto the market as an alternative to conventional plastic. Bioplastic has some apparent advantages: it is usually made from recycled material or plant cellulose, it Read more about Bio-based and biodegradable plastic are not any safer than other plastics[…]