Navigating Tech Investment Fears: A Haptic Guide to Confidence

In the fast-paced world of tech investments, fear can be a significant stumbling block. The complexities of innovation, the ever-evolving landscape of technology, and the inherent risks can create trepidation among investors. However, there is a tactile approach to combat these fears, a haptic guide to finding confidence amid uncertainty. 🌐 A Haptic Introduction to Read more about Navigating Tech Investment Fears: A Haptic Guide to Confidence[…]

The Top Business Transformation Trends for 2024 in vision of Timo Elliott from SAP

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. Let’s see remarkable thought leader at the forefront of innovation to discuss the most anticipated business transformation trends for 2024. An interview held by Mr. Daniel Chirtes, the CEO from Haptic R&D Consulting, with Mr. Timo Elliott from Read more about The Top Business Transformation Trends for 2024 in vision of Timo Elliott from SAP[…]

The Future of Internal Audits: How Haptic Solutions Are Reshaping the Landscape

At Haptic R&D Consulting, we’re always at the forefront of exploring how emerging technologies can transform various industries. Today, we dive into the exciting realm of internal audits and how haptic solutions are playing a significant role in reshaping this landscape. The AI Advantage in Internal Audits Internal audits are a critical part of ensuring Read more about The Future of Internal Audits: How Haptic Solutions Are Reshaping the Landscape[…]

Bridging Realities: Harnessing Mixed Reality to Unite Wise Thinking and Simple Communication

In our ever-evolving world, where complexity can sometimes hinder understanding, the concept of haptic sense offers a unique approach to bridge the gap between wise thinking and simple communication. By harnessing the power of mixed reality, we can immerse ourselves in a realm where knowledge and ideas come to life, reducing barriers and enabling seamless Read more about Bridging Realities: Harnessing Mixed Reality to Unite Wise Thinking and Simple Communication[…]

Unveiling the CitiVerse: Where Real and Virtual Converge in a Sensorial Odyssey

Exploring the CitiVerse: A Multisensory Adventure Blending Reality and Virtuality Step into a realm where reality merges with the virtual, where citizens and local authorities navigate and interact seamlessly in an immersive urban landscape. This is the vision of the CitiVerse, a groundbreaking initiative that aims to redefine the way we experience and engage with Read more about Unveiling the CitiVerse: Where Real and Virtual Converge in a Sensorial Odyssey[…]

Feeling the Future: How Haptic Technology is Taking the Metaverse to the Next Level

The Metaverse is a concept that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with each other. It is a virtual shared space that combines the physical and virtual worlds, offering a wide range of activities, content creation, and social interactions.  Here, we will explore how haptic solutions can enhance the Read more about Feeling the Future: How Haptic Technology is Taking the Metaverse to the Next Level[…]

How prepared are we for the challenges of the future

Haptic R&D Consulting, a leading provider of cutting-edge solutions for the manufacturing industry, has announced their attendance at the highly anticipated MetalShow TIB 2023. As a guest, they will not be exhibiting, but rather attending as experts in the field of industrial automation and haptic technology. At the MetalShow TIB 2023, Haptic R&D Consulting will Read more about How prepared are we for the challenges of the future[…]

The Role of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence: Essential or Optional?

The earliest artificial neural network, the Perceptron, was introduced approximately 65 years ago and consisted of just one layer.  However, to address solutions for more complex classification tasks, more advanced neural network architectures consisting of numerous feedforward (consecutive) layers were later introduced. This is the essential component of the current implementation of deep learning algorithms. Read more about The Role of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence: Essential or Optional?[…]

New EU regulation about export controls on sensitive dual-use goods and technologies

The Commission welcomes the agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council on its proposal for a modernisation of EU export controls on sensitive dual-use goods and technologies. The changes agreed today will upgrade and strengthen the EU’s export control toolbox to respond effectively to evolving security risks and emerging technologies. Thanks to the Read more about New EU regulation about export controls on sensitive dual-use goods and technologies[…]

5G technology as impact of digitalization over climate changes

A team of researchers from the University of Zurich and Empa has analyzed the consequences of the 5G mobile phone standard for the climate. One thing is clear: 5G technology can curb greenhouse gas emissions, as new applications become available and digitalization is used more efficiently. Today the study authors are presenting the results to Read more about 5G technology as impact of digitalization over climate changes[…]